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A short while ago I plucked up the motivation to write a blog. Since then, I haven’t looked back. The content I write about have been inspiring for people and have motivated others to make life decisions and even change areas of their life. When people tell me things like this it inspires me further to create sensational stuff.

My name is Debra Cargill and I love to try out new things. Go to places, eight new and strange foods from different countries and to do things that might generate new life and excitement into my life and then of course, right about my experiences and what I’ve learnt.

I live in my home in Springfield, Massachusetts and absolutely love it here. I used to live in Denver and grew up there and have fond memories of my childhood days.

Number of years ago I gained an interest in health, wellness and basically living a great lifestyle, and that’s what I write about in my blog. I have been involved in writing over the years and have contributed towards a number of leading blogs and magazines.

This blog is all about health, wellness, life issues and about lifestyle in general. I aim to cover a wide range of subjects that might range from how to fix squeaky stairs through to articles about how to stay slim as well as articles about how to fit downlights through to articles about how to become fit.

My focus is to look in detail about subjects that my readers love to read about. My blog’s purpose therefore is to educate people with things that I have learned about over the years and seek to discover. I truly believe that striving for knowledge in life will empower you to achieve a lot of what you want in all walks of life.


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My name is Debra Cargill, I live in my home in Springfield, Massachusetts and have been looking for new direction in my life. I started blogging recently and I've discovered a new passion in life. This blog is all about health, wellness, life issues and about lifestyle in general where I cover a broad range of topics on the subjects....

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